I am a wholesaler (b2b). Is MyBiz card still useful for me?

MyBiz Store

Last Update 3 years ago

it is time and again proven that being online is a must for businesses of all sizes and all kinds. Wholesalers have tremendous potential when positioning themselves online and in particular, when doing so with eCommerce goals. It is important for wholesalers to create to create an eCommerce presence to complement the other channels they use to promote their businesses, such as participating in trade-shows and using social media.

Here are some strong reasons why wholesalers should have online presence

  • A business digital card allows wholesalers to offer a 24|7 online catalog that can keep buyers engaged and interested in products.
  • Retailers are beginning to expect wholesalers to provide them with the convenience and consistency of an eCommerce operation.
  • Can create an online component that gives them the option to easily add a direct-to-consumer option to their wholesale operations
  • Can provide interactive experiences for buyers to explore your inventory and identify what makes sense for their stores

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